Our Mission & Vision
The alliance seeks to complement Government of India’s current efforts, such as the process of submitting National Communications to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), by helping address existing data gaps and data accessibility issues, extending beyond the scope of national inventories, and increasing the volume of analytics and policy dialogue on India’s GHG emissions sources, profile, and related policies.
Filling Data Gaps: When the GHG platform was conceptualized, the official GHG inventories were available for the years 1994, 2000, 2007 and 2012. Subsequently, while the additional official inventories have been published for the years 2010, 2014 and 2016 (BUR-III provides time series for 2011-2016), the GHG platform provides year on year GHG Emission estimates from 2005-2018 for all sectors as per IPCC and official guidelines. Year on year GHG estimates such as the ones GHG Platform provides would also facilitate more informed deliberations on policy matters of current importance, such as preparation of India’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Similarly, availability of state-level GHG emissions estimates will enable state governments to analyze their emission profiles and define quantitative goals as part of internal planning exercises and designing policy interventions. Most states did not have the benefit of state-level GHG emissions data while preparing their updated State Action Plans on Climate Change (SAPCC). A time-series of annual estimates will also permit trend analyses.
Enhancing Data Accessibility: The platform seeks to ensure transparency (in data, methods, and documentation) and accessibility (through free online access) of its research and publications, as well by helping introduce similar best practices in national inventories through collaboration with agencies responsible for preparing inventories.
Informing Policy Dialogue: An open-access database of GHG emissions estimates will empower a host of stakeholders to undertake independent analytic assessments of relevant policies and programmes.
Showcase India’s Actions on Climate Change: The platform through its emissions estimates will help to showcase the impacts of various programmes and initiatives of Government of India and state governments in addressing climate change.
Create a Repository of Information in One Accessible Database for Use by All Stakeholders: This initiative would ensure that a repository of information in one accessible database is made available for use by all stakeholders.