Note: Net AFOLU emissions = 170.58 Mt CO2e and Gross AFOLU
emissions = 351.55 Mt
Contribution of the three sub-sectors is computed with respect to gross AFOLU emissions
AFOLU Sector
The AFOLU sector consists of three sub-sectors, namely Livestock, Land and Aggregate Sources and Non-CO2 Emission Sources on Land*. AFOLU sector contributed ~171 Mt of CO2 equivalent emissions (6%) of India's economy-wide emissions in 2018. The three important greenhouse gases for the AFOLU sector are Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) (removals). The major contributing sub-sectors are: Livestock that emitted 10.56 Mt of CH4, and 0.002 Mt of N2O; Aggregate Sources emitted 3.54 Mt of CH4 and 0.18 Mt of N2O; and the Land sub-sector removed 180.97 Mt of CO2. The lead sector partner for AFOLU is Vasudha Foundation.
Citation as: Solanki, S., Chakraborty, M., Gupta, S., K.P., Rahul, Dutt, R., and Mehta, R. Version 4.0 dated September 15, 2022, from GHG Platform India: National and Sub- National Estimates: 2005-2018 Series
In instances where this sheet is used along with any other sector sheet on this website, the suggested
citation is "GHG
Platform India 2005-2018 National Estimates - 2005-18 Series"
The data used for arriving at the results of this study is from published, secondary sources, or wholly or in part from official sources that have been duly acknowledged. The veracity of the data has been corroborated to the maximum extent possible. However, the GHG Platform India shall not be held liable and responsible to establish the veracity of or corroborate such content or data and shall not be responsible or liable for any consequences that arise from and / or any harm or loss caused by way of placing reliance on the material(s) and information displayed and published on the website or by further use and analysis of the results of this study.
Phase IV emissions estimates at the end of this page. Phases III to I emissions estimates sheets are under the” resources tab”.